2006-04-24 09:42 - topic: biz
The age of participation
Have to run to get the new "the economist",
there seems to be a interesting article in the print version:
Here you find the online version.
update: I just bought the magazine, there is a lot more to read (kann ich nur empfehlen!). Hier ein Ausschnitt aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis vom "Survey of new media, April 22nd":
Listen to the Podcast / Interview with Andreas Kluth

Here you find the online version.
update: I just bought the magazine, there is a lot more to read (kann ich nur empfehlen!). Hier ein Ausschnitt aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis vom "Survey of new media, April 22nd":
- It's the links, stupid - Blogging is just another word for having conversations
- Compose yourself - Journalism too is becoming interactive, and maybe better
- The wiki principle
- Heard on the street - Podcasting will change radio, not kill it.
Listen to the Podcast / Interview with Andreas Kluth