2006-12-17 12:49 - topic: music
bossa nova
My friend Paulo just sent me a link to his latest radio show about the history of BOSSA NOVA. He plays the most important (and nicest) tracks, telling you all the details in German. Check it out! and have a look at this rare music blog (obrigado, PB!).
update X-MAS 2006: Paulo just told me that there is this english version of the Bossa Nova history.
Ever heard of the music of SAINT PRIVAT? Really nice music, a bit like french chansons, directly from Vienna, directed by Waldeck. This beautiful girl performs live tonight in Vienna at the Konzerthaus (I would fly there if I could!), seems to be the realease concert for the new album SUPERLU.
update X-MAS 2006: Paulo just told me that there is this english version of the Bossa Nova history.
Ever heard of the music of SAINT PRIVAT? Really nice music, a bit like french chansons, directly from Vienna, directed by Waldeck. This beautiful girl performs live tonight in Vienna at the Konzerthaus (I would fly there if I could!), seems to be the realease concert for the new album SUPERLU.