2007-03-27 11:12 - topic: maya
baby now at home
After two (more or less) relaxing nights in the Hospital, we decided to leave to hospital yesterday, Monday after lunch time. The two girls had to go through different tests with different doctors, everything is perfectly fine. Maya lost some weight in the first three days of her life, but this is normal and as the "real" milk started to flow already sunday night, she won't loose more. - This morning, the local midwife came around and helped my wife to breastfide and gave her some other tips and tricks. That's really handy to have somebody from the village arount, she stayed nearly two hours at our place and will come back tomorrow.
I am so happy to be back and home, so I can enjoy my daughter the most (I am having holiday until Easter - YEAH! => try not be online to often... but I will give u some updates and post new fotos, ok?
update 30-03-2007: exactly one week ago, Maya was born. Here are some new fotos from the few days we spent in the hospital
I am so happy to be back and home, so I can enjoy my daughter the most (I am having holiday until Easter - YEAH! => try not be online to often... but I will give u some updates and post new fotos, ok?
update 30-03-2007: exactly one week ago, Maya was born. Here are some new fotos from the few days we spent in the hospital