
Stream URL for IBIZA SONICA (using iTunes)

My current setup at home regarding music is (still) based on iTunes, AirPlay and the remote App for iOS. I am using several radio strams from all over the world; my favourites stations at the moment are: As these stations are not part of the standard list of radion stations in iTunes, I have to add the stream URL manually (by using FILE / OPEN STREAM). Today I had to look for a (new) valdid stream for IBIZA SONICA as the old URL was not valid anymore. I am happy to share the URL that works for me:

Donald Byrd Tribute

Donald Byrd Tribute Mix // Part 1 - The Acoustic Years by gillespeterson
really great jazz music - unbdingt reinhören!
link zu meinem Soundcloud Profil

American Boy - kein Glück heute

Heute Montag wollte ich verschiedene Versionen von Estelle - American Boy runterladen, ganz legal, via iTunes. Ging aber nicht. Später dann hatte ich vier tracks in einem zip file, das ich via host-it sharen wollte, auch ein Fehlermeldung! Kein Glück mit meinem Lieblingslied von heute: American Boy

error beim hochladen von files

la blogothèque

download unconventional music videos for your iPod on La Blogothèque, soundz good, unplugged openair! click here for subscribing with iTunes

[via DE BUG]

brilliant DJ set

DJ Hewoja is dee-jaying every month, the set from october is his best radioshow ever! You can listen to it on his website by opening the fancy flashplayer (link "online" at the bottom of his page) or open the radioshow on Listen to one hour of really nice music.
If you want to see the list of all his radioshows, click here. If you want to listen the radioshow of Gilles Peterson @Vibrazone DJ Hell @Pavillon am Irissee (Wien) cklick the banner on PLAY.FM (I can't link to the stream, so would like to ask the people @MQ headquarter why everything is hidden with complexe javascript solutions, I would like to open the GP show with a link like
Playlist Radioshow - thanks for this nice selection, Hewoja!
1 Swell Session, Masa (Sleepwalker) Masa's Theme Freerange Records
2 Darrell Nutt, Nearfield Can U Feel It feat. Anthony Williams (Chill Instrumental) E-SA Records
3 Aqua Bassino Rue De Paris F Communications
4 Guy Monk Feeling Right I Records
5 Agnes, Chaton Catch The Beat (Agnes Remix) Sthlmaudio Recordings
6 Lounge Conjunction Cocktail Armada Music
7 Sian, Efdemin Apple Tree (Efdemin Remix) Aus Music
8 Imada Jazzil Sensual Hi-Bias Records
9 Wahoo Shine Fine Records
10 Nuclear Ramjet Folding Time Spaceport Records
11 Jimpster, Swell Session, Elsa Esmeralda The Girl Freerange Records
12 Klod Rights The Frame (Intro Mix) Big Blue Records
13 Guy Monk Livin The Truth I Records
14 Domu, Swell Session A Heart To Cover For Freerange Records

new headphones

The headphones that come along with you mp3 player, iPod, Walkman, whatever are always bad (in terms of soundquality). As DE-BUG reported a while ago.
(...) Allerdings wird Klangveredelung immer mehr zur Rarität, mittelmäßig kodierte MP3s über billige Kopfhörer oder schlechte Lautsprecher sind für die Masse längst Normalität. Ist guter Klang in Gefahr? (...) YES - it is. Good sound is in DANGER. Even if you spend more than CHF 400,- for the device you'll get cheap headphones with it. That's how the make money... So I decided quite a while a go to spend some money for a good pair in-ear headphones. Not easy: the choice in "normal" shops is really limited, in a small town like Chur... I compared a few brands like M-AUDIO or Etymotic but in the end I went for a relatively cheap one because I didn't now how my small (!) ears would like them. Check prices of Sennheiser CX-300.
Moral der Geschichte (für Schweizer LeserInnen): per Zufall sah ich die Sennheiser dann bei m-electronics für CHF 58,- Etwas teuer als bei einer Bestellung im Netz, aber immer noch preiswerter als im Amiland, dort verlangen die rund USD 80 siehe review

hot track

Parov Stelar is one of my favourite DJs and Producer at the moment, a friend of mine just showed me this new track called JET SET (turn up the volume b4 you start the player on the site!). Electronica vom Feinsten!


Actually I am a big fan of the "customized electronic music" platform streetforward, I orderd more then 15 CDs in the last two years, there are 4000 tracks to make your own compilation - so it ist the perfect (x-mas) gift. And it is personal too: you can choose different designs for the CD and write your own text on it. Have a look at this playlist a compiled 2day and listen to the tracks with the new Flash Player. I like it.

bossa nova

My friend Paulo just sent me a link to his latest radio show about the history of BOSSA NOVA. He plays the most important (and nicest) tracks, telling you all the details in German. Check it out! and have a look at this rare music blog (obrigado, PB!).

update X-MAS 2006: Paulo just told me that there is this english version of the Bossa Nova history.

Ever heard of the music of SAINT PRIVAT? Really nice music, a bit like french chansons, directly from Vienna, directed by Waldeck. This beautiful girl performs live tonight in Vienna at the Konzerthaus (I would fly there if I could!), seems to be the realease concert for the new album SUPERLU.

Wochen Ende ahead

Zwei Empfehlungen von meiner Seite für ein erholsames und angenehmes Sommer Wochenende. Erstens: ein gutes Buch, z.B. der neue Roman von Martin Suter: "Der Teufel von Mailand", hat mir als "Bündner" sehr gut gefallen, auch wenn es nicht seine beste Geschichte ist. Ach ja, zufälligerweise habe ich im Flugzeug eine alte Die Weltwoche ergattert, worin ein ausführliches Interview mit Suter drin ist, Titel: Künstlerglück. Bei der Lektüre erinnerte ich mich auch ab und zu an den Erstling von Silvio Huonder: Adalina, da geht es - wenn auch unter anderen Vorzeichen - um eine (Rück-) Reise nach Graubünden.
Zweitens: Gute Musik - eh klar. Und falls keine Zeit oder keine Lust für ein OpenAir Festival besteht, den abwechslungsreichen Stream "Gurtenfestival Radio" auf dem Rechner starten (wird vom kollaborativen Musikblog Starfrosch betrieben), sehr abwechslungsreich und mit 128kps. Enjoy!

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